The player who receives the most white cards in the current competition
is awarded the NEYMAR JR AWARD at the NUFA closing ceremony.
Diving with simulated pain ("theatrics")
A possible diving with simulated pain is when a captain presses the red button.
If the opposing captain also presses the red button,
the NUFA customers decide after 180 sec.
If NUFA customers decide to diving with simulated pain,
the diving player always receives the white card with a red cross.
The white card with a red cross
If a player receives the white card with a red cross,
he has to be strapped to a stretcher by paramedics
carried from the field to the mobile hospital.
There he is examined in detail by a psychiatrist and other doctors.
In terms of the health of the player, he becomes
retained at least 24 hours for observation in the hospital.
As soon as the doctors give "green light" after this 24-hour protection lock has expired,
the player may return to the current game and
be used in the further course of the competition.